I hadn't been to the Seafront in a few days after the Summerfest as it's always kind of depressing to see them dismantle the fun fair. Although it always happens in early August, it still somehow makes it feel as if the summer is already over.. However, on Thursday (11th) I went for an afternoon walk again.

I got food from the small take away again, and had a cheeseburger on the Seafront, leaving the chips for later. The colours of the day reminded me of Scandinavian homes, LOL..

There was a nice glossy bit on the water.. (Above)

Birds were flying around..

I don't know what's the story with the ferris wheel as it was still there - and it probably still is.. The Bounceworld was there as well, although all the other fun fair stuff was long gone..

Above, Stello's summer fashion.. LOL.. FLORAL TOP! :O

Then I went to the harbour..

I went home via Tesco, finding a brand new Candyking sweets selection :O Separate entry about that..
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