Sunday, 13 March 2011

Recipes I want to try

I saw these on Facebook, and they both made me hungry: Ajvar (Serbian roasted eggplant and pepper spread) and Pindzur (seems similar).

I'd hate to rob content from the sites I've linked, but on the other hand, I just know that if I don't include the actual recipes at all, they'll be gone before I ever get to try them.. Sooo, I'll be a bit cheeky and post these screenshot versions instead =P (Click on them to see them in full size - easier to read..)


  1. Nice recipes! Web is making me super hungry these days. Everywhere I turn there seems to be a recipe of something soooo good and often with delicious photos included.

  2. I'm into simple recipes, in general. (Not that I cook anything, nowadays, because I don't have my own kitchen..) If too many ingredients are required, I usually don't even read the rest of the recipe as you'd probably end up paying less to have it in a restaurant, rather than buy tons of stuff just to make one meal.. Of course, if I had my own kitchen, I'd actually have some basics already, but not in this house..
