Friday, 30 November 2012

Total PayPal (Mauritius) frustration

We have less than two weeks left, to try and get some donations towards Muzakir's kidney operation in Mauritius. His mother texted me some hours ago, asking for help with getting the bank account verified with PayPal. She gave me the login info, and I logged in to her account. She then gave me her bank account info, which I entered to the PayPal account, BUT... PayPal Mauritius requires the Routing Number of the bank - there is NO way to get around it, and a Swift code will not be accepted.

Routing Number is only used in the US banks (and in Canada, but it's different there). Banks in Mauritius use a Swift code instead. So, WHY does PayPal Mauritius require a number which is not even used in Mauritius?!?

I've sent them email about this, explaining the urgency of the situation, but it's Friday now and I'm wondering if I'll even get a reply before the weekend, which means missing more valuable days..


  1. Eli juuri ne maailmankolkat joissa rahaa liikkuu saavatkin eniten kun köyhempien maiden auttaminen on tehty noin vaikeaksi :-(

    1. Nimenomaan. Ja tekniselta kannalta tietty loytyisi useitakin keinoja (esim. PayPal-tili jossain maassa missa se TOIMII, sen mahdollistama ChipIn-kerays ja/tai suoralahjoitus PayPal-tilille, ja sitten pankkisiirto PayPal-tilin omistajalta Mauritiukselle), MUTTA, ongelmia tulee jos ei ole kerayslupaa, ja sellaisen hankintaan on omat vaatimuksensa, jne, jne, jne..

      Ei tassa oikein jaa muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin lotota ja toivoa parasta!
